Question 15: the nebulized racemic epi treatment should be suctioning for bronchiolitis
Question 12: the correct answer is D. The listed answer in the answer section is incorrect, it shows as A and should be D.
Question 14: the correct answer is A. In the answer review, the answer is listed as D and should be A.
Question 16: the correct answer is D. In the answer review, the answer is listed as C and should be D.
Question 6: missing the CT scan photo. The photo is attached below:
Question 19: the question to the vignette should be “Which of the following medications should be used to treat this patient?”
Question 21: the units used in the answers should be mcg/dL.
Question 4: The patient weighs 17 kg.
Question 7: the question to the vignette should be “Which of the following statements is true?”
Question 11: The correct answer should be a) GCS 7. Patient gets 1 for eye opening as his eyes are closed, 2 for only moaning in pain and withdraws from pain which is a 4. This adds up to a GCS of 7.